Ray Translated

Satyajit Ray’s works have been widely translated in several international languages by prominent global translators. The literary appeal of his creations has charmed millions of readers across the world over the years and they still hold their place within the corpus of global fictional writings.



Le Christ de Tintoretto, translated from English by Tara in collaboration with Beatrice Mortin. Kailash Edition, 1977. Original Title: Tintorettor Jishu


Naissance et mort d Aryashekhar, translated by France Bhattacharya. Fata Morgana, 1993


Les pieces dor de Jahangir, translated by Michele Mercier. Presses de la Renaissance, 1990


Le mystere du dieu elephant, translated by Tara in collaboration with Beatrice Mortin. Kailash Editions, 1977


Aures nouvelles du Bengale, translated by Michele Mercier. Presses de la Renaissance, 1989


La nuit de Lindigo et autres novelles, translated by Eric Chedaille, Presses de la Renaissance, 1987


Fatik et le jongleur de Calcutta, translated by France Bhattacharya. Pocket, 1995. Original title: Fatikchand


Les criminals de Kathmandou, translated by Tara in collaboration with Beatrice Mortin. Kailash Editions, 1997


Ecrits sur le cinema, translated by Tony Mayer. Jean-Claude Lattes, 1982. Original title: Our Films Their Films






Feluda und das golden schlob. Lamuv, 1988


Fatik und der jongleur von Kalkutta, translated by Felix Weigner. Arre, 1989






La notte dellindaco, translated by Anna Nadotti Einaudi, 1989


Il ritorno di Feluda: Il mistero di Golok Lodge; Grosso guaio al crimitero, translated by Sandra Grieco.


Arnoldo Mondadori, 1995. Original title: Gorosthane Saabdhan/Golokdham Rahosya


Le avventure delis pettore Feluda: La Fortezza Doraja/Il Bucaniere di Bombay, translated by Sandra Grieco.


Arnoldo Mondadori, 1994. Original title:Sonar Kella/Bombaier Bombete






Unicorn Expedition and Other Fantastic Tales of India


The Golden Fortress


The Elephant God






Fatik y el juglar de Calcuta, translated by Elena del Amo. Segunda, 1989. Original title: Fatikchand






Podroze Profesora Sanku, translated by Elizbieta Walterowa. Nasza Ksiegarnia, 1982. Original title: Professor Shonkur Kandokarkhana/Sabas Professor Shonku





Nashi filmi ikh filmi, translated by Aida Georgievni Sofian. Rif “Roi”, 1999. Original title: Our Films Their Films

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